athenaOne Dental (for FQHCs) — User Access, Settings, and Application Features

athenaOne Dental is only available for FQHCs on athenaOne.


This topic describes athenaOne Dental information related to logging in, the page header, user profiles, and role-based access.




athenaOne Dental is a single sign-on, easy-to-use access page. To log in to athenaOne Dental:

  1. Navigate to the athenaOne Dental login page.

  2. Enter your login credentials (email address and password) in the appropriate fields.

  3. Click Sign in.

Application Sign in screen showing email address and password text boxes as well as blue Sign in button.

To reset your password:

If a password is forgotten, use the following steps to reset it.

  1. Navigate to the athenaOne Dental login page.

  2. Click the Forgot your password? hyperlink.

Login with yellow highlight around the Forgot your Password link.

  1. Enter the Email address and click Send verification code.

  1. The system emails a verification code. Enter the Verification Code from the email and click Verify code.

Reset login with yellow highlight around the Verification Code testbox with yellow highlight pointing down towards Verify code button,.

  1. Click Continue and follow the prompts to enter a new password and confirm it.

  2. Click Save.

The top right of the athenaOne Dental page header contains the Application Module and the User Profile icons. Use these icons to access the Application Module functionality and User Profile options.


Application Modules

Menu bar with a yellow highlight box around the application modules.


User Profile Icon

Menu bar with a yellow highlight box around the User Profile button.


Refer to Application Modules for more information on Application Module functionality. Refer to User Profile for more information on user profile options.


Application Features

Some features inside the athenaOne Dental application can be found in many or all the application modules. The following sections describe the available features and their purposes.


Application Refresh

The ability to refresh a page within the application is accessible from the athenaOne | Dental menu bar. Click the athenaOne | Dental button to do a page refresh.

athenaOne menu bar with yellow highlight box around the athenaOne|Dental button

Bento Box and Administrative Applications

The Bento Box or waffle-shaped icon allows the Senior System Applications Administrator (SSAA) Role access to administrative applications where they can create and maintain the practices users and subscriptions.

Dental application header with yellow highlight box around the bento box.


Currently, the Bento Box connects to the Membership Application for User Management.


Membership and SSAA Role

The athenaOne Membership allows practices to manage users and subscriptions. The Senior System Applications Administrator (SSAA) maintains the user roles and controls the permissions given to individual users. The practice’s SSAA can add, edit, and deactivate users through the Bento Box access to Membership.


Refer to Role-Based Access and Senior System Applications Administrator for additional role information.


To access Membership:

  1. Log in to Dental.

  2. Click the Bento box (waffle button) on the Dental header bar.

Dental application header with yellow highlight box around the bento box.

  1. Click Membership from the Applications navigation menu.

    Note: If a non-SSAA user selects Membership, they will receive an “Unauthorized User” message.

Applications navigation menu with yellow highlight box around Membership.

  1. The Membership Home Page opens in a new tab containing navigation options for Manage Users andSubscriptions.


Membership home page showing the navigation menu and the blue buttons for Manage Users and Subscriptions.


Manage Users

The Manage Users allows a practice’s SSAA to add, edit, or deactivate individual users. Once created in Manage Users, the SSAA user will navigate to the Subscriptions and assign the appropriate role(s) the user will need to access to complete their job responsibilities.


For professional users (providers, hygienists, etc.), the SSAA creates the new user in Manage Users to associate the professional suffix and then assigns and maps the user’s role(s) in Subscriptions. For non-professional user roles, the SSAA can create a new user and assign the new user role from within Subscriptions.



  • If a user forgets their password, use the Forgot your Password option from the login screen. Refer to Login for more details.

  • The Professional Suffix associated in Manage Users is the suffix that appears in athenaOne Dental for users with a clinical role as they sign, attest, or amend clinical notes.

Membership edit user window with a yellow highlight box around the drop-down arrow with a yellow arrow pointing downwards towards the selection list.


Add Users

  1. Navigate to the Membership Home Page.

Membership home page showing the navigation menu and the blue buttons for Manage Users and Subscriptions.

  1. Click Manage Users.

  2. Use the Search Users textbox and enter the person’s name to verify that the user does not already exist.

    Note: This step is to prevent duplicate user entries. The SSAA user may skip this step if the user to be created is new to the practice.

Manage Users with a Yellow highlight box around Search Users text box.

  1. Click +Create User.

Manage users with a yellow highlight around the +Create User button.

  1. Enter the individual’s email address at your practice (Required).

    Important:Confirm the email address is correct. Once the user is saved, this cannot be changed in editing.

Create User window with a yellow highlight box around the email address textbox.

  1. Enter the individual's First name and Last name.

Create User window with yellow highlight box around the First and Last Name fields.

  1. Use the drop-down arrow to select the Professional Suffix (if applicable).

Professional Suffix with a yellow highlight box around the dropdown arrow with a yellow arrow pointing downwards towards some selection options.

  1. Click Save.
    Important:Once saved, the SSAA user should navigate to Subscriptions to assign the new user’srole permissions, as these do not automatically assign.


Edit Users

The Edit Users allows the practice’s Senior System Applications Administrator to modify a user’s First Name, Last Name, and Professional Suffix.

  1. Navigate to the Membership Home Page.

Membership home page showing the navigation menu and the blue buttons for Manage Users and Subscriptions.

  1. Click Manage Users.

  2. Enter the user’s name in the Search Users textbox and locate the user.


Manage Users with a Yellow highlight box around Search Users text box.

  1. Click the name or the email hyperlinks to edit the user.

  2. The Edit User window opens. Update the First Name, Last Name, or Professional Suffix.
    Important:The email address field is not editable. The user would need to be unmapped (if needed), deactivated, and then re-added as a new user.

Edit User window with a yellow highlight box around the First Name, Last Name, and Professional Suffix fields.

  1. Click Save to save changes or Cancel to exit.


Deactivate Users

The Edit user window allows the SSAA user to deactivate or remove a user who leaves and is no longer with the practice.

Important Note: If the user needing to be deactivated is a mapped provider, do not unmap the provider.


To view any already deactivated or disabled users:


Note: Printing a list of active or inactive users is not available. Use the steps below to view the list from athenaOne Membership.

  1. Navigate to the Membership Home Page.

Membership home page showing the navigation menu and the blue buttons for Manage Users and Subscriptions.

  1. Click Manage Users.

  2. Click the Active Only toggle off.

Active only toggle in the off position.

  1. The list of users will now show active and disabled users.

    • Active Users display with a green dot.
    • Disabled Users display with a red dot.

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated with low confidence


To deactivate a user:

  1. Navigate to the Membership Home Page.

Membership home page showing the navigation menu and the blue buttons for Manage Users and Subscriptions.

  1. Click Manage Users.

  2. Enter the user’s name in the Search Users textbox and locate the user.

Manage Users with a Yellow highlight box around Search Users text box.

  1. Click the name or the email hyperlinks to edit the user.

  2. The Edit User window opens.
  3. Click the toggle to deselect the user’s Subscription Role(s).

Subscription Roles with yellow highlight around the role toggles.

  1. Next, click the Active toggle to the off position to deactivate or disable the user.

Edit User Status images with the left image as an Active toggle with a yellow arrow pointing to the right image showing the Disabled toggle.

  1. Click Save to save changes or Cancel to exit.



Subscriptions enable the SSAA user to create a user, assign individual users their necessary role(s), and allows for mapping Providers.


For non-professional user roles, the SSAA can create a new user and assign their role(s) from within Subscriptions. For professional users (providers, hygienists, etc.), the SSAA creates the new user in Manage Users to associate the professional suffix and then assigns and maps the user’s role(s) in Subscriptions.


Add User

Subscriptions allows the SSAA to create a user like Manage Users.


To add a user:

  1. Navigate to the Membership Home Page.

Membership home page showing the navigation menu and the blue buttons for Manage Users and Subscriptions.

  1. Click Subscriptions.

  2. From the Dental tab, use the Search Users textbox and enter the person’s name to verify that the user does not already exist.

    Note: This step is to prevent duplicate user entries. The SSAA user may skip this step if the user to be created is new to the practice.

Subscriptions page with yellow highlight box around the Search textbox.

  1. Click +Add User.

Add user button with yellow highlight box around it.

  1. The Add Subscription window opens.

  2. Click the drop-down arrow and click +Add User.

Add a Subscription User with a yellow highlight around the down arrow and a yellow arrow pointing to Add User.

  1. Enter the following user information:

    • Email: The user’s email address with your practice.

      Important: Confirm that the email address entered is correct. Once saved, this cannot be changed or edited.

    • First Name: The user’s First Name.

    • Last Name: The user’s Last Name.

Ass subscription with yellow highlight box around the Email, First Name, and Last Name.

  1. Click the drop-down arrow to map the provider from athenaOne.


    • Use Provider Mapping for provider user roles.
    • The drop-down list only lists the available providers to map to the Dental Subscription.


Provider Mapping drop down arrow with a yellow highlight box around it.

  • Use the Refresh Button to refresh the Provider list in the drop-down menu.

    For example, use Refresh for a new provider just created in athenaOne, as this pulls over the new provider data to select from the drop-down menu. Note: This may take a few minutes.

Refresh button with yellow highlight around it.

  1. Click the toggle next to the Role corresponding to this user’s position or job duties.
    Refer to Role-Based Users and User-Roles for information regarding what may apply to your user. The below example is for an office manager:

Edit subscription user screen with toggles on for Senior admin and Billing.

  1. Click Save.
    The user will now have access to the applicable areas in athenaOne Dental based on their role(s).


Assign User Roles

The SSAA can edit a user’s role to increase or decrease access to areas within athenaOne Dental.

Important Notes:

  • User roles relate to the type of user and their position or job duties at the practice.

  • Permissions are areas within athenaOne Dental that can be accessed when the user is assigned the corresponding Role associated with them.


Refer to Role-Based Access for details on the areas the user roles can access.

User Roles

  • Junior Clinical: often assigned to Dental Assistants.

  • Senior Clinical: often assigned to Dentists and Hygienists.
  • Resident Provider: often assigned to treating providers that require an Attending Provider when executing specific charting tasks. Important
    Note: Resident providers cannot attest clinical notes.
  • Senior Admin: often used for Office Managers.

  • Junior Admin: often assigned to Patient Service Representatives, e.g., front desk or call center staff.
  • Billing: often assigned to the revenue cycle team.


To assign or edit user roles for an existing user:

  1. Navigate to the Membership Home Page.

Membership home page showing the navigation menu and the blue buttons for Manage Users and Subscriptions.

  1. Click Subscriptions.

  2. Click Dental.
  3. Use the toggles to filter the list of users (Optional).
    1. Active Only — Click the toggle to show only active users.
    2. Provider Only— Click the toggle to display only the practice’s providers.

Subscriptions page with yellow highlight box around the Active and Provider only toggles.

  1. Enter the user’s name in the Search Users textbox (Optional).

  2. Locate the user from the list and click the user’s name hyperlink.

Users list with a yellow highlight box around the name hyperlinks.

  1. Click the toggle next to the Role corresponding to this user’s position or job duties.
    The below example is for an office manager:

Edit subscription user screen with toggles on for Senior admin and Billing.

  1. Click Save.
    The user can now access the applicable areas in athenaOne Dental based on the added/edited role(s).

Information Tables

Any information tables found in the athenaOne Dental application modules can be sorted by selecting the column headers.


  • An arrow will appear by the column header once sorted.

  • The up/down orientation of the arrow indicates the direction of the sorting.
  • To change the direction of sorting, click on the currently selected column header.

Example Information table with a yellow highlight box around the Name box.

Text Formatting Toolbar

Many application modules allow editing in text fields. If available for a field, a text formatting toolbar will appear to enable text formattings such as bold, italics, underlining, bulleted list, alignment, heading options, and a clear formatting button.

Text Formatting Toolbar listing the bold, italics, underline, bullets, text location, and the styles icons.


Note: The clear formatting button allows users to customize copied and pasted text in the text fields. The Clear Formatting button is available in the following places:

  • Settings > Procedure Templates

  • Charting > Clinical Note

  • Charting > Note Browser

  • Charting > Patient Notes

  • Patient Profile > Communication

Calendar Icon

The calendar icon allows users to quickly select a date by using a calendar. To use the calendar icon:

  1. Click the calendar icon to open the calendar. Calendar Icon with a yellow highlight box around it.

  2. Select a date by using the following tools:
    • Up/Down Arrows: Located at the top to switch through months or years.
    • Go To Today: Automatically selects the current date.
    • Date Selection: Click on a date to select it from the calendar.


Calendar navigation options with yellow highlight boxes around up and down arrows as well as the Go to today link


Hover Panel

The Hover panel lets users see a summarized view of the patient’s demographics, including the primary payer/insurance. The panel appears as the cursor hovers over the patient.

Patient hover panel example showing curser hovering over patient appointment.

User Profile

Click the User Profile icon to display a drop-down menu containing the following:

  • Current User Name (Read Only)

  • Theme

  • Batches

  • Managing Imaging Bridge

  • Settings

  • Logout

    Quick Tip: Use the Theme toggle to switch between light and dark modes.

User Profile menu list with a yellow highlight box around the User Profile icon.


Manage Batches

In Manage Batches, the user can create a new batch, select an existing batch, close a batch, reopen a batch, and print a batch. In addition, batches store the user’s payment posting details.

Note: Users will see only batches created in athenaOne Dental.


Creating Batches

To create a new batch:

  1. From the User Profile menu, click Batches.

Patient profile icon with yellow highlight box around it and a yellow arrow pointing downwards to Batches.

  1. Select the + Create Batch button.

Batches window with a yellow highlight box around the +Create Batch button

  1. Enter the batch name in the Name field.

  2. Click Create.

Create Batch details window with a yellow highlight box around the Name field and a yellow arrow pointing to the Create button.



Using Batches

To use an existing batch:

  1. From the User Profile menu, click Batches.

Patient profile icon with yellow highlight box around it and a yellow arrow pointing downwards to Batches.

  1. Locate the batch by entering the batch name or date in the Filter batches field.

Manage Batches window with yellow highlight box around the Filter batches field.

  1. Once located, click the More Options three dots in the Actions column for the batch.

  2. Select the Use batch option.

More Options menu list with yellow highlight box around the three dots and a yellow arrow pointing to Use batch.

  1. The batch Name hyperlink updates with the selected batch.

Manage Batches window with a yellow highlight box around a selected batch name hyperlink indicating Selected.

Changing the Batch Name

To rename an existing batch:

  1. From the User Profile menu, click Batches.

Patient profile icon with yellow highlight box around it and a yellow arrow pointing downwards to Batches.


  1. Locate the batch by entering the batch name or date in the Filter batches field.

Manage Batches window with yellow highlight box around the Filter batches field.

  1. Click the batch Name hyperlink.

Manage Batches window with a yellow highlight box around a selected batch name hyperlink indicating Selected.

  1. The Update Batch panel opens. Edit the Name as needed.

Update batch window with yellow highlight box around the name field.

  1. Click Update to save or Cancel to exit.


Closing Batches

To close an existing batch:

  1. From the User Profile menu, click Batches.

Patient profile icon with yellow highlight box around it and a yellow arrow pointing downwards to Batches.

  1. Locate the batch by entering the batch name or date in the Filter batches field.

Manage Batches with yellow highlight box around the Filter Batches field.

Quick Tip: To view a previously closed batch, turn the toggle switch off for Active Only batches.


  1. Once located, click the More Options three dots in the Actions column for the batch.

  2. Select Close to no longer post within the batch.

More options menu list with a yellow highlight box around the three dots and a yellow arrow pointing downwards to Close.

Important Note: Users can Reopen a closed batch. From the More Actions menu for the batch, click Reopen.

Manage Batches with yellow highlight box around the more actions menu and a yellow arrow pointing downwards to reopen.


Printing a Batch

Important Note: Any batches originating in the billing system cannot be selected; however, the batch report can still be printed for these batches.


To print a specific batch:

  1. From the User Profile menu, click Batches.

Patient profile icon with yellow highlight box around it and a yellow arrow pointing downwards to Batches.

  1. Locate the batch by entering the batch name or date in the Filter batches field.


Manage Batches window with a yellow highlight box around the Filter Batches field.

  1. Once located, click the More Options three dots in the Actions column for the batch.

  2. Click the Print option.

More Options menu list with yellow highlight box around the three dots and a yellow arrow pointing downwards to Print

  1. The Batch Report opens in a Report Preview window. Refer to Report Preview Features for more details.

Example of a users Batch Report

  1. Click the File tab and select Print.

File tab with the Print option showing

  1. Adjust page print settings, if necessary, and click Print.

  2. Click the X to close.


Manage Imaging Bridge

Within athenaOne Dental, the user has access to the imaging software. The imaging bridge software connects athenaOne Dental to the imaging software and must be downloaded on every client machine required to access the imaging software.


To access the imaging bridge:

  1. Click Manage Imaging Bridge in the User Profile drop-down menu.

User profile menu with yellow highlight box around the User icon and a yellow arrow pointing downwards to Manage Imaging Bridge.

  1. This opens the Manage Imaging Bridge window. Next, click the drop-down arrow in Configure Imaging Bridge.

Manage Imaging Bridge with yellow highlight box around the drop down arrow in the Configure Imaging Bridge button.

  1. Select the Imaging Bridge for your site from the drop-down menu.

Manage Imaging Bridge menu listing the available imaging bridges.

  1. Consult with your IT department on completing the fields inside Create Imaging Source.

Create Imaging Source window with yellow highlight box around the Save button.

  1. Once the fields are complete, click Save.

  2. Click Download Imaging Bridge to download the imaging bridge software. The file downloads in a zip package format.

    Important Note – The Imaging Bridge must be installed on each workstation that views and captures images.


Settings allow users to manage settings for the Practice and Charting modules.


To locate Settings:

  1. Click the User Profile image in athenaOne Dental.

User profile icon and menu options with a yellow highlight box around the icon and a yellow arrow pointing down towards Settings.

  1. From the menu list, click Settings, and an expanded window opens.

  2. Select the desired module setting to edit: Operatories, Providers, Reporting Groups, Procedure Templates, or Quick Actions.

Settings menu list showing Operatories, Providers, Reporting Groups, Procedure Templates, and Quick Actions.

  1. Upon completing changes, click the Close or the keyboard [ESC] button.


Practice Settings

Practice Settings allow users to manage settings for the Operatories, Providers, and Reporting Groups.


Manage Operatories

The Manage Operatories section allows users to add and edit existing operatories. In the Practice Settings window, click Operatories to view the Manage Operatories section.


Create Operatory

  1. Click Create Operatory to add a new operatory.

Manage Operatories menu bar with a yellow highlight box around Create Operatory button.

  1. Enter the Name (required) and use the drop-down menu to select the Location of Care (required).

Create Operatory window with yellow highlight box around the Name text box and a yellow highlight arrow around the location of care drop-down menu arrow.

  1. Enter the Display Order (optional).

  2. Use the drop-down menu to select the viewing Tags or create a new one by typing the desired name for the viewing Tag.

    Important Notes:

    • Users can select up to three (3) Tags per Operatory.
    • The Tags display as “Views” in the scheduler.
    • Users can assign the same Tag in different Locations of Care. However, when in the Scheduler and selecting a Tag to view, it only shows the Tag for that specific Schedule location.
    • Tags do not affect the scheduled hours or the days set in the Operatory.

Tags section with yellow highlight box around the drop-down arrow and a yellow arrow pointing down to the selection options.

  1. Enter a brief Description in the textbox (optional).

Description textbox with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. By default, the Status is set to Active.

Status with yellow highlight box around it.

  1. Click the + next to Add Operatory Hours to input hours.

Operatory hours section with yellow highlight box around the + sign.


Manage Operatory Hours

  1. Enter the Start and End Dates or use the calendar icon to select the dates (Required).

Start and End Dates with yellow highlight boxes around the date fields.

  1. Click the + next to the days of the week to add to the schedule.

  2. Use the drop-down arrows to select a Start and End Time for each selected day.

Manage Operatory Hours with days of week and yellow highlight boxes around the + and down arrow menu buttons.

  1. Click Save or Cancel to exit.

Manage operatory hours window with yellow box around the save button.


Editing Operatories

  1. Use the Search textbox and enter the Operatory name to locate.

    Tip: Use the Active Only toggle to remove the deactivated Operatories from the viewing list.

  1. Click the Name hyperlink for the operatory.

Manage Operatory window with a yellow highlight box around the name hyperlink.

  1. The Edit Operatory window opens. Edit the operatory information as needed.
    Note: The toggle to inactivate an operatory is in the Status section.

Edit Operatory window with yellow highlight box around the status and other edit areas.

  1. Click Save or Cancel to exit.


Quick Tip: To view operating hours for the operatory, hover over the days of the week. Scheduled days display in blue and unscheduled days show in white.

Manage Operatory window with curser hovering over days of week showing the days active hours.

Manage Providers

Click Providers to view the Manage Providers section. Users with a Senior Administrative Role can add and edit existing providers. Refer to Role-Based Access for additional information on user roles.


From Settings, click Providers to view the Manage Providers section.


A provider may be one of the following:

  • Treating Provider
  • Treating Provider (Resident)

  • Hygienist

  • Registered Dental Assistant


Important Note:

  • Providers must have a valid athenaOne® username/email address.

  • If the Hygienist needs to view their schedule in athenaOne® and/or they can bill, the SSAA user must assign the Provider Type as ‘Treating Provider (Resident).’

  • Treating Provider and Resident provider types must be mapped in Membership.

  • The Attesting Hygienist toggle must be enabled for Hygienists who attest Clinical Notes. Exception: See Important Note number two (above).


Creating Providers

  1. Click Create Provider to add a new provider.

Manage Providers menu with a yellow highlight box around the Create Provider button.

  1. Select the provider using the drop-down arrow.
    Note: Only mapped and “Active” status providers in Membership will display.

Create Provider window with yellow highlight box around the select user drop down menu.

  1. Fill in the Name and Provider Type fields (Required).

    Note: The Provider Type drop-down will display options based on the mapping status of the user in membership.

    • Unmapped users — Hygienist or Registered Dental Assistant options.

    • Mapped users — Treating Provider, Treating Provider (Resident), and Hygienist options.

Create provider window with yellow highlight boxes around the Name, Provider type, and provider color fields.

  1. Select a color to associate with the provider.

  2. Attesting Hygienist option:

    • If a hygienist will be attesting clinical notes, click the toggle to activate.

    • If the hygienist will not be attesting notes, deactivate the toggle.
      Create provider window with yellow highlight boxes around the Name, Provider type, and provider color fields.
      Important: The Provider Type enables the Attesting Hygienist toggle. The Attesting Hygienist default setting for an athenaOne mapped hygienist is enabled.
      Create provider window with yellow highlight boxes around the Name, Provider type, and provider color fields.

  3. Add provider hours by selecting the + next to Add Provider Hours.
    Hours of operation section with a yellow highlight box around the plus sign.
    Refer to Manage Provider Hours for details (see below).
  4. After adding the hours, click Save.


Manage Provider Hours

  1. Enter the Start and End Dates.

Manage Provider Hours window with yellow highlight boxes around dates and the + sign.

  1. Click the + next to Add Location of care to select the Location of Care.

    • Repeat this step to add additional Locations of Care.
  2. Click the + next to the days of the week to add it to the schedule.
  3. Use the down arrows to select Start and End Times for each day.

Manage Provider Hours with yellow highlight boxes around the plus signs and the down arrows for the time selections.

  1. Click Save or Cancel to discard.


Editing Providers

  1. Click the Name hyperlink.

Manage Provider window with a yellow highlight box around a provider Name hyperlink.
The Edit Provider window opens.

  1. Update the Provider Type or Provider Color if needed.

Edit provider window

  1. Attesting Hygienist toggle:

    • If a hygienist will be attesting clinical notes, click the toggle to activate.
    • If the hygienist will not be attesting notes, deactivate the toggle.

      Important: The Attesting Hygienist default setting for an athenaOne mapped hygienist is enabled or toggled on.
  2. Update the Provider Hours if needed.

  3. Once finished, click Save or Cancel to exit.


Reporting Groups

The Reporting Groups allow the practice to create categories for reporting purposes. Users can rename the templated groups, add categories, and add sub-items within each category to better fit the organization’s needs.


Users maintain the following reporting groups:


  • Locations of Care: Users can create sub-category groupings for the organization’s service locations. For example, create a sub-category for all Pediatric office locations or School-Based Health locations. See Adding a Sub-Category for details.

  • Payer 1 Groups: Users can create categories with sub-category groups about specific insurance payers. For example, if your practice needs insurance payer grouping, leave the Payer 1 display name as is and add/update the sub-categories with the payers needed. See Adding a Sub-Category and Editing a Sub- Category for more information.

  • Provider Groups: Users can create sub-category groupings for reporting on providers.

    For example, create a sub-category for all Pediatric dentists or a sub-category for Hygienists. See Adding a Sub-Category for more information.
  • UDS 9D Group: Users can maintain the sub-categorized payers associated with the practice’s UDS 9Dreporting. Review, add, or remove payers from the list as needed.
    For example, a specific Fee For Service Medicaid payer is no longer a part of your practice’s UDS 9D reporting group and needs removing from the list. See Removing a Sub-Category for more details.


To access Reporting Groups:

  1. FromUserProfile,clickSettings.
  2. Under Practice Settings, click Reporting Groups.

Settings menu with yellow highlight box around the Reporting Groups option.

Reporting Group Features

The Reporting Groups allow the practice to customize the category Display Name, create sub-categories, edit sub-categories, and remove sub-categories based on the reporting needs of the practice.

Editing the Display Name:

Users can edit the Display Name of a reporting group for their organizational needs.

For example, change the Display Name of the Payer 1 group to Financial Class and add sub-categories to run reports on this Financial Class group. Or, if your practice needs insurance payer grouping, leave the Payer 1 display name as is and update the sub-categories with the payers needed. See Adding a Sub-Category for more information.


To customize a report group Display Name:

  1. From Reporting Groups, click the Payer 1 Group.


Practice Settings menu list with a yellow highlight box around Reporting groups and a yellow arrow pointing towards Payer 1.

  1. Click the Display Name textbox and edit the name.

Display name field with yellow highlight box around it.

  1. Click the Description field and enter a brief description.

Description field with a yellow highlight box around it and showing the Save button.

  1. Click Save.


Adding a Sub-Category

Users can add sub-categories to the Reporting Groups. The steps to add a sub-category for the different types of reporting groups vary slightly.

Important Note: Users can create multiple sub-categories.


To add a Locations of Care sub-category:

  1. From Manage Reporting Groups, click Locations of Care.
  2. Click Add Location of Care Category.

Location of Care with yellow highlight box around the Add Location of Care Category button.

  1. The Manage Location of Care window opens. Enter a Category Name.

Manage Location of Care window with yellow highlight box around the Category Name.

  1. Click the Search Location of Care drop-down arrow.

Search location of care with a yellow highlight box around the drop down menu.

  1. Use the drop-down menu and click the checkbox(es) for the desired location(s).

Location of Care drop down menu option selections with yellow highlight box around the checkbox options.

  1. Click Save or Cancel to exit.


To add Payer Group sub-categories:

  1. From Manage Reporting Groups, click Payer 1.

Manage Reporting Groups section with a yellow highlight box around the title and showing the LOC Group, payer 1, payer 2, and Provider groups.

  1. Customize the Display Name (Optional).

  2. Click Add Payer Category.

Payer Group categories with a yellow highlight box around the Add Payer Category button.

  1. The Manage Payer Window opens. Enter the Category Name.

Manage Payer window with yellow highlight box around the Category Name field.

  1. Enter the payer in Search Payers or click the drop-down arrow to open the payer menu list.


Search Payers field with yellow highlight box around it.

  1. Click the checkbox(es) to select the desired payers. Use the scrollbar on the right to view additional payers.

    Note: To deselect a payer, click the blue checkbox to remove the check.

Search Payers menu list with blue checkmarks in selected payers and a yellow highlight box around the available payers checkboxes.

  1. Click Save or Cancel to exit.


To add Provider sub-category:

  1. From Manage Reporting Groups, click Providers.

Manage Reporting Groups menu with yellow highlight box around it and with yellow arrow pointing to Providers.

  1. Customize the Display Name if desired. Refer to Reporting Group Features for details on customizing.

  2. Click Add Provider Category.

Provider categories showing Add Provider Categories button with a yellow highlight box around it.

  1. The Manage Provider window opens. Enter the Category Name.

Manage Provider Window with a yellow highlight box around the Category Name field.

  1. Use the Search Providers drop-down menu and click the checkbox(es) for the desired provider(s).

Search Providers drop down menu with yellow highlight box around the search and a yellow arrow pointing down towards available options to select.

Note: To deselect a provider, click the blue checkbox to remove the check.

  1. Click Save or Cancel to exit.


Editing a Sub-Category

Users can edit a sub-category for maintenance of the Reporting Group.


To edit a payer sub-category:

  1. From Manage Reporting Groups, click the Payer Group containing the sub-category to edit.
  2. Click the hyperlink for the Category Name.

Payer Categories with yellow highlight box around a single payer.

  1. The Manage Payer window opens. Review, add, or remove payers from the payer list as needed.


Manage Payer window showing list of payers to edit and with a yellow highlight box around the Save button.

  1. Click Save or Cancel to exit.


Removing a Sub-Category

Users can remove a sub-category from a Reporting Group if needed.

For example, a specific Fee For Service Medicaid payer is no longer a part of your practice’s UDS 9D reporting group and needs to be removed from the list.


To remove a sub-category from a Reporting Group:

  1. From Reporting Groups, click the desired group to edit.

Reporting Group menu list showing locations of care, payer 1, providers, and UDS 9D.

  1. From the Categories list, locate the sub-category to remove.

Categories list with a yellow highlight box around the Category Name field.

  1. Click the trash can icon to delete.

Categories list with yellow highlight box around the trash can icon.

  1. A deletion warning message appears. Click Delete to remove or Cancel to not delete.

Delete warning message with a yellow highlight box around Delete button.


Charting Settings

Like the Practice Settings, the Charting section enables users to add and maintain the Procedure Templates and Quick Actions settings.


Procedure Templates

Procedure Templates allows users to add templates to procedures for fast clinical documentation of the procedure process and information. Procedure templates can also explain procedures in greater detail. Important Note: Currently, Procedure Templates are only available at an organizational level.


Creating Procedure Templates

  1. Click Create Template, and the Create Procedure Template window opens.

Manage Procedure Templates header menu with a yellow highlight box around the Create Template button.

  1. Search for the procedure by code or description in the search textbox.

Create Procedure template with the search box containing D725 text and a yellow highlight box around the located procedure code D7250.

  1. Enter notes about the procedure process, prescriptions, and other information in the text box.

Create Procedure Template window with yellow highlight boxes around the Description textbox and the Save button.

  1. Click Save or Cancel to discard.


Edit or Delete Procedure Templates

  1. Click the Template hyperlink for the procedure template.

Manage Procedure Template with a yellow highlight box around the Template hyperlink.

  1. The Edit Procedure Template window opens. Edit the procedure template as needed.

Edit Procedure Template with yellow highlight boxes around the description textbox, Save, Cancel, and Delete buttons.

  1. Click Save to save, Cancel to discard edits, or Delete to delete the template.


Quick Actions

Quick Actions allow users to create and edit categories used in the Procedures section of Charting.


Creating Categories

To create a Quick Actions category:

  1. Click +New Category from the Quick Action Settings menu bar.

Quick Action Settings header with a yellow highlight box around New Category.

  1. A New Category will add to the menu list. Click the New Category selection option.

Quick Action Settings menu list with a yellow highlight box around New Category.

  1. Fill in the Display Name (required), Description, and Default Action for Category fields.

Quick Action setting creation window with yellow highlight boxes around Display Name, Description, Default Action for Category, and the Add Quick Action button.

  1. Click Add Quick Action, and the Add Quick Action window opens.

  2. Type the Name (Required).
  3. In the Type box, use the drop-down menu to select the Procedure.

Add Quick Action window with yellow highlight boxes around name and type.

  1. In the Add Procedures, use the Search Procedures drop-down menu to select procedures to add.

Quick Action window with yellow highlight box around search procedures.

  1. Click Save to save or Cancel to close.


Edit Categories

To edit a Quick Actions category:

  1. Click the category from the Quick Actions list.

Category menu list with yellow highlight box around Exam.

  1. Edit the Category’s Display Name, Description, or Default Action as necessary.

Category settings window with yellow highlight box around save.

  1. Click Save or Delete to delete.


Moving Categories

Users can move a quick action category to another category.


To use Move To:

  1. Click the category from the Quick Actions list.

Category menu list with yellow highlight box around Exam.

  1. Click the radio button next to the procedure action item Name.

Quick Actions page with a yellow highlight box around the radio button by the Name.

  1. Click the Move To option and use the drop-down menu to select the new category to move to.

Move to menu options with a yellow highlight box around the drop-down arrow and a yellow arrow pointing down the list.

  1. From the Quick Action Settings menu, click the category the procedure item moved to and verify the move.


Delete Quick Action Items

Users can delete a procedure action item from a Quick Action Category Setting. To delete:

  1. Click the category from the Quick Actions list.

Category menu list with yellow highlight box around Exam.

  1. Click the radio button next to the action item Name.

selected procedure item radio button with a yellow highlight box around it and a yellow arrow pointing upwards to delete button.

  1. Click Delete, and the item removes from the list.



Click Logout in the User Profile drop-down menu to log out of athenaOne Dental.

User Profile menu with yellow highlight box around the user profile icon and a yellow arrow pointing downwards to Logout.


Auto Logout

athenaOne® Dental contains an automatic logout feature. Users who are inactive for thirty (30) minutes will be automatically logged out.


A pop-up warning message appears for the user after twenty-nine (29) minutes of inactivity. The user has sixty (60) seconds to click the Keep me logged in button or Log Me Out button.


If a user misses the warning notification window, the following message appears on their login screen:


Your session has timed out. Please enter your password to resume this session.

Role-Based Access

Users receive different access and security permissions from their administrator based on their role in the application. If you need additional access, contact your practice’s Senior System Applications Administrator. The separate roles have the following landing pages:

  • Junior Clinical: often assigned to Dental Assistants.

  • Senior Clinical: often assigned to Dentists and Hygienists.
  • Resident Provider: often assigned to treating providers that require an Attending Provider when executing specific charting tasks. Important Note: Resident providers cannot attest clinical notes.
  • Senior Admin: often used for Office Managers.

  • Junior Admin: often assigned to Patient Service Representatives, e.g., front desk or call center staff.
  • Billing: often assigned to the revenue cycle team.

















Admin Huddle




Chart Settings






Clinical Huddle
















































Senior System Applications Administrator Role

The Senior System Applications Administrator Role (SSAA) within athenaOne Membership allows practices to manage users and subscriptions. The SSAA maintains the user roles and controls the permissions given to individual users. The practice’s SSAA can add, edit, and deactivate users.


Note: Customer Support creates the practice's Senior System Applications Administrator user(s) and will email the membership link and initial login information. Once the access information is received, the SSAA user can manage the dental users for the practice.


The SSAA will use the Role-Based dental application guidelines to determine an individual’s necessary access

and permission level. Refer to Role-Based Access and Bento Box for more details.


To access user management from Membership:

  1. Log in to athenaOne Membership using your email address and password.

    • Important Note: New SSAA users will use the link provided by Customer Support, their email address, and the one-time use/default password to access. Then, the SSAA user will reset the password to a new one and will be redirected to the login screen to log in with their newly set password.

Application Sign in screen showing email address and password text boxes as well as blue Sign in button.

  1. The Home Page opens containing navigation options for Manage Users and Subscriptions.

Membership home page showing the navigation menu and the blue buttons for Manage Users and Subscriptions.


Refer to Application Features: Bento Box for more details on accessing Membership from athenaOne Dental.